New Mindset

I see finally that my web guy has made some updates, I wasn’t sure how much longer that was going to take. If you follow me on FB you know that I’m doing a once a week training at John Parrillo place here in Ohio. If you don’t know who he is go to his website Parrillo Performance or check him out on youtube. Last week was shoulders, I felt like I work out hard………..then someone gets a hold of you and makes you feel like you haven’t done shit and maybe you should just take up kniting. After this week, legs………….wow I’m hurting so bad I can truthfuly say I left it all on the gym floor. I understand now that I have to get back to that girl I was when I started… told me I couldn’t I was going to show you how wrong you were. I don’t want to half ass anything, funny I didn’t think I was……….but now it’s clear……..every inch of everything I have has to go to this goal! 2013 is a year of no regrets ; ) stay with me boys it’s going to be a bumpy ride, starting at the Arnold…See Y’all there!

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